Certainly ,there have been moments of stress and worry in life, stress and crippling worries! One of the different treatment methods in psychology and self-knowledge is drawing different shapes of mandala and coloring .It is a symbol of transparency. Red: It is a symbol of vitality and strength. Yellow Color: It is a symbol of humility. Blue Color: It is a symbol of life, purity and infinity.

The mandala is a religious and spiritual symbol in to various religions. In Sanskrit language is a ancient language of the Indian people, it means circle. Mandalas are designs to start from a circles center and turn into different shapes of circles, squares and polygons. The final geometric shape of the mandala, in various religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism and even modern psychology to represent the universe.it contributes to personal and spiritual growth and development. It pays raptness to both the inner world of man and the outer world.
Chronicle of Mandala

The first mandala was design and originated in Indian Buddhist art around the first century BC. this design took various forms of each mandala design with different colors has taken on a specific meaning.
Chronicles create a chronology of events, which is implicitly important in both storytelling and historical writing. They are more comprehensive than a simple chronology because they provide details and information rather than just the time and order in which events occurred.
Design of Mandala

The design of mandalas is drawn in to a rotating shape. Each design has a central point, a symmetrical pattern it emerges that instills a kind of inner integrity and order in the audience. besides of each mandala with a specific color represents a symbol.
Traditionally, a mandala is a geometric design or pattern that represents the universe or deities in the various heavenly worlds.
Valuable of Mandalas

The mandala drawing and painting are pays less attention to external stresses and helps us to relax and return energy. Yogis also use symbols with different mandala designs for their meditation. In addition, in art therapy, patients are asked to control their minds by drawing and coloring mandalas so they can relax.
Zones have been shown in clinical studies to boost immunity, reduce stress and pain, lower blood pressure, improve sleep, and reduce depression.
There are different types of mandalas, both artistically and spiritually. Also, every culture has a variety of mandalas. Mandalas have a main type that includes:
1.Teaching Mandala:

There are different types of mandalas, both artistically and spiritually. Also, every culture has a variety of mandalas. Mandalas have a main type that includes:
A teaching mandala represents religious or philosophical exercises through each line, color and pattern. These mandalas are to be learned through spiritual and religious study. The student creates their own zone based on design and construction principles, presenting a visual representation of all they have learned. Teaching Zones serve as colorful, mental maps for their creators.
2.Healing Mandala:

Healing mandalas are more intuitive than teaching mandalas, and are created for the purpose of meditation. Healing mandalas are intended to impart wisdom, evoke feelings of calm, and channel attention and focus. The purpose of creating healing zones is to impart wisdom, create a Zen-like sense of calm, and aid in focus and concentration.These mandalas are more visual. Healing mandalas are created to calm and maintain concentration and they are used in meditation.
3.Sand Mandala

Buddhist monks, as well as in Navajo culture, have long used sand mandalas as a traditional, religious element. These mandalas have intricate designs full of various symbols. So, all of this is made of sand to remind them life and all its belongings are not permanent. These symbols represent the impermanence of human life.
The meaning of colors in mandalas

Colors have a different symbolic function in the religion of culture and art of each country and region. This choosing the right color for mandalas, it can show the true meaning of each symbol in the form of a mandala.
Color is one of the most commonly used ways to communicate information and create emotions in many cultures. It is a common perception that a color can create a certain emotion at any given time. This concept is something we need to understand deeply. The meaning of mandala is a color in psychology . Mandala is a colors in psychology in general.
Meaning of White Mandala

White is the focus of spirituality and purity. Spirituality involves recognizing a sense or feeling or belief that there is something greater than myself, more to being human than sense experience, and a cosmic or divine nature of which we are a part.
Purity is the quality of being unadulterated, uncontaminated or wholesome. An example of clarity is the quality of a clear diamond without blemishes. An example of purity is the virtue of a young woman with strong values.
Meaning of Black Mandala

The black color of mandalas are symbolizes mystery, individuality and deep thinking. Something unintelligible or unfathomable: Riddle The mystery of his disappearance has never been solved. A piece of fiction dealing with the solution of a mysterious crime Her favorite pastime is reading mysteries.
Critical thinking means thinking beyond beliefs, preconceived notions and prevailing ideas. False beliefs must be dispelled so that the truth can emerge.
Meaning of Red Mandala

Red color of mandalas are symbolizes passion, high energy and strength.
Passion is very important. People are more resilient when faced with obstacles when they are enthusiastic and passionate. People who are passionate about what they do rather than “for the money” tend to have more positive outlooks and are better able to overcome difficulties through problem solving.
People who score high on Energy are energetic, animated, and passionate. They are cooperative, competitive, fun and sociable. People who score low in energy are quiet, more reserved and private
Meaning of Orange Mandala

Orange is a symbol of intuition and self-awareness, transformation and creativity.
Self awareness is knowing yourself. It’s about knowing your emotions, strengths and challenges and how your emotions influence your behavior and decisions. Self-awareness is important for managing actions and setting goals for the future, and it’s a skill you can help your teen thrive on.
Use color transformations to convert three-band red, green, blue (RGB) images into one of several specific color spaces, and from the selected color space back to RGB. By adjusting the contrast between the two transforms, you can create a color-enhanced color composite image.
Meaning of Yellow Mandala

Yellow color is a symbolizes to laughter, joy and happiness, wisdom and learning.
Yellow is widely recognized as the world’s happiest color and has a scientific pedigree to back up this esteemed honor. Research has suggested two main reasons why yellow is considered a happy color.
Although yellow is also associated with happiness, joy and caution. In Islam, yellow is the color of wisdom. Native Americans use yellow to represent unconditional love.
Meaning of Green Mandala

Green is a symbolizes to the love of nature and care. it is green and freshness to improving mental ability and improving physical condition.
Green represents balance, nature, spring and rebirth. It is a symbol of prosperity, renewal and progress.
Green is the symbol for mental health awareness. Wear a green ribbon to show that you care about the mental health of co-workers, loved ones or people you pass by. It is also be worn in memory of loved one.
Meaning of Blue Mandala

Blue is suitable for inner peace and meditation. It is a symbol of emotional healing
Because blue is loved by many people, it is often seen as an intimidating color that seems conservative and traditional. Blue calls to mind feelings of peace or tranquility. It is often described as calm, peaceful, safe and orderly. Blue is often considered a symbol of stability and reliability.
Meaning of Purple Mandala

The Purple color is a special color of symbolizes that everything is spiritual. It is, spirituality can be found in everything. Violet represents strength, peace and wisdom. It has the ability to bring balance and make you feel inner peace. Many people decorate their space with purple to create a peaceful atmosphere.
Violet connects to the crown chakra and heals depression, hysteria, delusions and alcohol addiction and brings spiritual insight and renewal. It slows an overactive heart and stimulates the spleen and white blood cells (immunity). Violet relieves mental and emotional stress.
Meaning of Pink Mandala

Pink is a symbol of intuition and love.
Color psychology states that different colors can influence our moods, feelings, and even behaviors. For example, pink is considered a calming color associated with love, grace and femininity.
Pink is a nurturing, playful and nostalgic color that takes people back to their childhood. That is, pink is the color of opposites, as it evokes both innocence and burning passion. Bright and warm pink is associated with love, romance and lust. Intense pink creates a sense of urgency.